FAQ Assistant

This is an end to end LLM project based on Google Gimini API, Langchain, HuggingFace. It is a Q&A system which will provide a streamlit based user interface for people where they can ask questions and get answers(if their queries are already present in the database).

Project Highlights

  • Use a real CSV file of FAQs that Codebasics company is using right now.
  • Their human staff will use this file to assist their course learners.
  • We will build an LLM based question and answer system that can reduce the workload of their human staff.
  • Students should be able to use this system to ask questions directly and get answers within seconds

Tools Used

  • Langchain + Google Gimini API(free): LLM based Q&A
  • Streamlit: UI
  • Huggingface instructor embeddings: Text embeddings
  • FAISS: Vector databse
  • Streamlit (for user interface)

GitHub Repository

GitHub Repository